Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Snack Time

Yesterday was my last day of class for Genetic Analysis. We had our last lecture, turned in our final research summary papers, gave up our lab notebooks, and began to fill out evaluations when our professor announced that she had brought us snacks as a parting gift. A titter of excitement went around the room as we anticipated what yummy goodies she could have brought us. She brought a bag out from behind her desk and proceeded to take out what looked like something that had become very familiar to us over the course of the semester--what looked suspiciously like a stack of petri dishes.

Guards were up now. Our professor passed them out, and we examined them cautiously. Up close, they were not anymore reassuring

as they were the color of YPD plates (on which we'd been growing yeast all semester).

When asked what it was, our professor replied, "YPD!" When it was discovered that they were jello and asked about the flavor, our professor replied, "YPD!" The smell resembled apple juice but not quite. The taste resembled apple juice--but not quite. They basically tasted exactly like what you would think YPD would taste like.

I don't think anyone was able to eat more than a spoonful of it.

I'm not convinced that she didn't put a little YPD in them.

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